Who we are:

StarterIPTV is committed to maintaining your trust, respecting your privacy, and safeguarding the sensitivity of your personal information. We prioritize protecting the privacy of our website users and have meticulously crafted this Privacy Policy to address any concerns you may have. By using StarterIPTV, you consent to the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy, as well as the processing of your personal information for the purposes stated below. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using StarterIPTV.

Our Commitment to Confidentiality:

We treat all personal information required for using or interacting with StarterIPTV as private and confidential. This includes your name, postal or email address, and telephone number. Your personal information is stored securely and accessed only by authorized staff. We use this information for the purposes stated in this policy, such as processing your order, responding to queries, and providing requested materials.

Information Collected:

Personal Information:

“Personal information” refers to data that identifies you personally, such as your name, postal address, telephone number, or email address. At StarterIPTV, we collect and store the personal information you provide to us. Examples of how we collect your personal information include:

We collect two types of information from visitors to StarterIPTV: (1) Personal information, and (2) Non-Personal information, such as IP addresses or cookies.

  • Gathering your first and last name, email address, and postal address during a purchase from StarterIPTV.
  • Collecting your email address when you contact us with a question.
  • Acquiring your billing information, first and last name, and postal address during a purchase through our site.
  • Gathering your device ID number when you interact with StarterIPTV using a mobile device.

Non-Personal Information:

“Non-Personal information” includes technical or demographic data, such as age, gender, ZIP code, geolocation, or interests. This information does not identify you personally. Examples of non-personal information collected through StarterIPTV and its use include:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address: Used to deliver webpages to you upon request, tailor our website, and measure site traffic.
  • Cookies: Used to improve website functionality, usability, and technical functions. By using our products, you consent to our use of cookies according to this policy.

About Cookies:

Cookies are text files sent by web servers to web browsers and stored on users’ computers or mobile devices. Cookies contain data about the user’s activities on the website and can be used by web servers to identify and track users during website navigation.

How StarterIPTV Uses Cookies:

Cookies do not contain information personally identifying the user. However, information stored in and obtained from cookies may be linked by us to information we store about the user.

StarterIPTV uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Recognizing the user’s computer during website visits.
  • Tracking user actions during website navigation.
  • Improving the website’s usability and analyzing its use.
  • Administering the website and reporting click-through data to advertisers.

Third-Party Cookies:

When users visit StarterIPTV, third-party cookies may be sent to their computers by StarterIPTV’s advertisers or service providers. They may use this information to track users’ browsing across multiple websites, build profiles of users’ web surfing, and target advertisements that may be of particular interest.

Blocking and Deleting Cookies:

Most browsers allow users to refuse or block cookies. However, blocking all cookies may impact website usability.

Use of Information Collected via StarterIPTV:

Personal Information:

We primarily use your personal information collected through StarterIPTV for the following purposes:

  • Processing your order and notifying you of its status.
  • Fulfilling promotional terms.
  • Customizing and publishing relevant content.
  • Notifying you about additional services and features.
  • Requesting feedback about your StarterIPTV experience.
  • Notifying you about material changes to this Privacy Policy, if necessary.
  • Allowing access to limited-entry areas of StarterIPTV.

Non-Personal Information:

Non-personal information is used as described above and in compliance with applicable laws, which may include combining non-personal information with personal information.

Release of Information to Third Parties:

Personal information collected by StarterIPTV will not be released to third parties except in the following instances:

  • To fulfill a service, such as sharing your postal address with shipping carriers when you purchase items from us.
  • To unaffiliated third-party service providers, agents, or contractors providing administrative services to StarterIPTV.
  • To complete your purchase, we may provide information to unaffiliated third parties.
  • To comply with the law or protect personal safety.
  • To verify information through third-party services, such as card authorization and fraud screening.

Please note that we do not use, share, or disclose your personal information to third parties outside of these instances.

Children Under 13:

StarterIPTV does not knowingly target children under 13 or collect their personal information. If we discover such information, we will delete or destroy it.

Third-Party Websites and Advertisers:

StarterIPTV may provide links to other websites, but we do not necessarily endorse or advise linking to them. Please review the third party’s Privacy Policy and security practices before providing personal information.


While we communicate regularly with members via email, you may opt-out of certain communications, such as promotional messages, by clicking “unsubscribe” within the email text. We will process your opt-out request promptly.

Changes in Our Privacy Policy:

StarterIPTV reserves the right to make changes to our Privacy Policy without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we may also notify you by email.

Website Security Policy:

While we strive to ensure website security through technical, procedural, monitoring, and tracking measures, no data transmission over the Internet is guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. You understand that any information transferred to StarterIPTV is at your own risk.


In the event of asset sale or acquisition, or a merger, you grant us the right to assign personal and non-personal information collected via StarterIPTV.

/Last Updated: 22/07/2023