get  your  VOD  subscription  now      
Only Benefits

Great reasons make you choose us

Introducing our exclusive VOD plans, inspired by popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Paramount+, Disney+, Prime Video, and Apple TV+ (depending on the area availability)
Immerse yourself in a world of captivating content, from blockbuster movies to binge-worthy series, carefully curated to elevate your entertainment experience..

  • Best Tariff Plans

    Our plans are designed to be budget-friendly, making premium entertainment accessible to everyone.

  • Authentics Premium Accounts

    Enjoy the best streaming platforms at 25% off the regular price

How do I purchase accounts from the shop?

Head over to the 'Shop' page, select your product and subscription and you'll be redirected to the purchase gateway. When your payment is completed.

Is the payment instant?

Yes, all purchases are instant. Transactions via cryptocurrency will be confirmed as soon as the confirmations on the transaction are received.

An issue to load the Channels list?

If your payment is already confirmed, you should have the subscription within 5 minutes. If not, contact support immediately with your purchase information.
*The delay may be longer outside working days

My account does not work anymore. What do I do?

Contact the Support to generate a replacement account, our support team will be pleased to assist you.

How can I make these accounts last longer?

Avoid logging in from too many devices, or changing any credentials (profiles, passwords, settings, billing info. etc). The more you are cautious with the account, the longer it lasts

How many replacements can I generate?

Our accounts are high quality and last for quite a while. A moderate amount of replacements per account per day is allowed to prevent abuse.

Am I allowed to resell these accounts?


Am I allowed to share these accounts?

StarterIPTV does not refuse to share the VOD accounts marketed on our website, but some platforms such as Netflix refuse to share accounts, so it's important to get the information you need to avoid any service restrictions.

Am I allowed to share access to my account on StarterIPTV?

No, unfortunately this is something we cannot allow. Kindly do not share your personal account credentials with anyone.